Kathy Keller Reviews A Year of Biblical Womanhood
At The Gospel Coalition, Kathy Keller has posted a hotly-discussed (174 comments thus far), frequently-liked (3,244 “Likes” as of this moment), and predominantly critical review of Rachel Held Evans’ A Year of Biblical Womanhood.
Rachel Held Evans. A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband “Master.” Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2012. 352 pp. $15.99.
Rachel Held Evans had at least two stated goals for writing A Year of Biblical Womanhood, according to the promotional material accompanying my advance review copy. Under “Why She Wrote the Book,” Evans says:
“I’ve long been frustrated by the inconsistencies with which “biblical womanhood” is taught and applied in my evangelical Christian community. So . . . I set out to follow all of the Bible’s instructions for women as literally as possible for a year to show that no woman, no matter how devout, is actually practicing biblical womanhood all the way. My hope is that the book will generate some laughs, as well as a fresh, honest dialogue about . . . biblical interpretation” (emphasis mine).
Evans wants to show that everyone who tries to follow biblical norms does so selectively—“cherry picking” some parts and passing over others. She also says she wants to open a fresh, honest dialogue about biblical interpretation, that is, how to do it rightly and well. Rachel, I tried twice to get in touch with you when you were in New York City on the talk shows but wasn’t able to connect. So here’s what I would have said if we could have gotten the chance to open that dialogue.
Keller then lists four areas of concern about the book:
1. Picking and Choosing
2. Narrative or Prescriptive?
3. Intended Meaning
4. Love Defined
Read what all the discussion is about at A Year of Biblical Womanhood.
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